Packing Merkel® Alchem ST 6377

Design Sketch
Installation Sketch


  • Braided and impregnated stuffing box packing
  • Square cross-section
  • Consisting of pure PTFE yarns
  • High chemical resistance
  • Good leakage behaviour
  • Sealing of rotating shafts or translating rods
  • Sealing effect due to axial compression by means of stuffing box gland
  • Good leakage behaviour due to high density and tight braided structure of the packing

Most commonly used in the following applications:

  • All chemical applications
  • Fittings (max. temperature 60 °C, max. oxygen pressure 25 bar)
  • Material suitable for contact with food (tested by FMPA (Forschungs- und Materialprüfanstalt Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart)) and for gaseous oxygen (BAM)

PRD(NA) - 20250327.3