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Guide | Automatically sent e-mails

1 | Important!

To receive the automatically sent e-mails, the corresponding settings must be set in the company account management.

2 | Order copy e-mail

If an order has been placed, a copy of this order will be sent automatically by e-mail immediately afterwards. The email is for information purposes only and is not yet legally binding, as the order has to be confirmed by us first.

3 | Order confirmation e-mail

As soon as the order has been confirmed by us, an order confirmation is sent automatically by e-mail (also known as order response). After that, details of that order can also be viewed in the order history. (Attention: new e-mail format HTML)

4 | RFQ copy mail

If an item has been requested, a copy of this quote request will be sent autmatically by e-mail immediately afterwards.

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PRD(EU) - 20240813.3