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Guide | How to add items to cart

1 | Add item

To add items to your cart with the help of the cart form, please do the following steps:

  1. Go to your cart by clicking the cart symbol at the top (and make sure that "Expert mode" ist active)
  2. In the area "Add item" enter the item number of the required item (optionally you can fill in the other fields, too)
  3. Click on the Add button

This item will then be added to your cart below.

2 | Excel Import

To add many items to your cart with the help of the Excel Import, please do the following steps:

  1. Go to your cart by clicking the cart symbol at the top (and make sure that "Expert mode" ist active)

  2. Create a table in Excel with the following column names:

    item no. and quantity (required);

    requested date, position note, expected price / 100, own position number (optional)

  3. Copy and paste the contents from the Excel template in this field in the right order

  4. If your table has headlines, please tick the corresponding checkbox

  5. If you want to enter your own item numbers, please tick the corresponding checkbox

  6. Click on the Start Import & add button

These items will then be added to your cart below.

3 | Product list

To add items to your cart with the help of product lists, please do the following after searching for an item:

  1. Click on the cart symbol on the right of the item you want to add to your cart
  2. Optionally change quantity and availability date in the pop-up
  3. Click on the Add button

The item will then be added to your cart.

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