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Guide | How to find an item

1 | Product search

To search for and find an item with using the product search, please do the following steps:

  1. Click into the search field
  2. You can optionally limit the search in advance to specific categories within which to search
  3. You can optionally change metric to inch
  4. Enter a search term e.g. product name with dimensions like o-ring 12.1 x 1.6 (of course you can directly enter a specific item number, too)
  5. A preview of results will come up immediately, where you can click on an item or
  6. Click on the matching product category or
  7. Click on Show all results to show all results and precise these results with filters
2 | Category menu

Alternatively you can click through the category menu to find an item:

  1. Click on the All Categories button on the top or use the top-category area or click on the Show all products button to get an overview of all categories
  2. Hover with your mouse over the top-categories
  3. Click on a category or product design to reach a product design page

There you will find corresponding product designs and you can use filters to narrow the results down.

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