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Guide | How to use the O-Ring Calculator

1 | O-Ring-Assistant

To use the O-Ring-Assistant, please click on top of the page on "O-Ring Calculator".

  • Then please click on the Start button from the module O-Ring-Assistant, if you want to find the right o-ring with the specification of the design space.
  • The O-Ring-Assistant will then guide you through the different steps where you can enter the properties of your application.
  • In the fifth step you can enter a shaft diameter and click on the Calculate button to fill in the other values automatically.
  • In the last step you can see a result page with your calculated o-ring and fitting catalog o-rings. Here you can view details or send or download the calculation data or go to the expert mode.
2 | Design Cockpit

To use the Design Cockpit, please click on top of the page on "O-Ring Calculator".

  • Then please click on the Start button from the module Design Cockpit, if you want to find an optimal design with maximum configuration options (expert mode).
  • The Design Cockpit will then guide you through the different steps, where you can configure an optimal design.
  • In the last step click the button Start calculations and get then the result for your optimal construction.
  • Here you can send or download the result data or look for matching catalog o-rings.
3 | Design Space Assistant

To use the Design Space Assistant, please click on top of the page on "O-Ring Calculator".

  • Then please click on the Start button from the module Design Space Assistant, if you want to find the right design space by specifying the o-ring.
  • The Design Space Assistant will then guide you through the different steps where you can specify your o-ring.
  • In the last step you can either enter an article number or the dimensions of the o-ring.
  • Then you get the calculated design space for your o-ring and have the opportunity to send or download the result data or go to the expert mode.
4 | Material Assistant

To use the Material Assistant, please click on top of the page on "O-Ring Calculator".

  • Then please click on the Start button from the module Material Assistant, if you want to find the right material for your application.
  • The Material Assistant will then guide you through the different steps where you can specify your application.
  • In the last step you get a result list with a summary of your entered data and all suitable materials.
  • Here you have the opportunity to remember materials or download the material data sheet.
5 | Article number search

To use the Article number search, please click on top of the page on "O-Ring Calculator".

  • To search for an o-ring with article numbers, you can enter an article number here and click the button Search.
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